teens ministry
ages 12–15 years
Impacting this precious generation into a kingdom lifestyle where they know God, find freedom and discover their purpose. The relationship teens develop with Jesus during their teenage years will shape the rest of their lives, and we are honored to play these catalyst roles in their journey!

6:00PM in fellowship hall
Our Sunday services are divided into 4 series that are designed to cultivate growth in various aspects of the teens lives. Discover Sunday focuses on the growth of our teens faith through worship, sermons, and prayer. Connect Night is where the teens get to connect with each other through many fun activities that involve teamwork, games, and creativity. Grow Sundays are based upon the year plan designed to read the entire New Testament as a ministry & checking the teens understanding of the Bible. Lead Nights are lead completely by each lifegroup giving the opportunity for every teen to be a part of the service.

6:45PM in sunday school building
Our Wednesday Lifegroups are the bones of our ministry, we strongly believe in connecting with each teen on a personal level while building upon knowledge throughout all four years.
Freshman age 12 — (Discover) Establishing the foundational truths.
Sophomores age 13 — (Connect) Igniting the curiosity and passion.
Juniors age 14 — (Grow) Setting goals & cultivating spiritual growth.
Seniors age 15 — (Lead) Equipping for influence and releasing in activation.